Aug 9, 2020 – 1920 Look-Back – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 320

Description: Bill, Kelley, and Rachel look back at four things from a hundred years ago, including the Senate failure of the Treaty of Versailles, the launch of the radio broadcast industry, the 19th amendment, and a small postal reform.

Links and notes for ep. 320 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

Aug 2, 2020 – Crisis on Infinite Post Offices – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 319

Description: Bill, Rachel, and Kelley explain the political crisis hurting the US postal system and then discuss the history of mail service in the United States.

Links and notes for ep. 319 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

July 26, 2020 – Intercity Bus Deregulation – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 318

Description: Bill, Kelley, and Rachel discuss the 1982 deregulation of intercity buses in the United States, its impact on rural isolation, and the current state of the industry.

Links and notes for ep. 318 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

July 19, 2020 – Prison Labor – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 317

Description: Bill, Kelley, and Rachel discuss the history and present of US prison labor.

Links and notes for ep. 317 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

July 14, 2020 – Hazen Pingree, John Altgeld, Thomas Marshall – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 316

Description: Bill, Rachel, and Kelley discuss three noteworthy midwestern progressive governors of the 1890s and 1910s.

Links and notes for ep. 316 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

Guest Appearance on Left Anchor podcast

I made a guest appearance on last week’s episode of the show “Left Anchor.” Listen here:

Episode 146 -American City Government with Bill Humphrey

Today we’ve got an interview with Bill Humphrey, a city councilor for Newton, Massachusetts. We ask him about how he got into politics, how he ran his successful campaign, and what it’s like being a leftist in government during pandemic times. Enjoy!

July 5, 2020 – The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and the Long Depression – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 315

Description: Bill, Rachel, and Kelley discuss the legacy of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and the stagnant U.S. economic conditions of 1873-1893 during the Second Industrial Revolution.

Links and notes for ep. 315 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.