The latest on far-right Orbanism rising in Hungary…
UN News Centre: “Hungarian law that could detain all asylum-seekers violates country’s legal obligations”
The United Nations refugee agency voiced deep concerned at a new law voted today by the Hungarian Parliament that could lead to mandatory detention of all asylum-seekers, including many children – for the entire length of the asylum procedure – and warned that it would have a terrible impact on people who have already suffered greatly.
“In practice, it means that every asylum-seeker, including children, would be detained in shipping containers surrounded by high razor wire fence at the border for extended periods of time,” Cécile Pouilly, a spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), told the media today at a news briefing at the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG).
“The new law violates Hungary’s obligations under international and European Union (EU) laws, and will have a terrible physical and psychological impact on women, children and men who had already greatly suffered,” she added.
– Border fence politics comes to the EU (in Hungary)
– AP: “Hungary puts inmates to work on border fence”
– Austrian chancellor suggests Viktor Orban is a Nazi

Logo of the right-wing “Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Alliance” ruling party of Hungary.