Nov 28, 2021 – National Flood Insurance – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 401

Description: Bill and Rachel discuss the origins of the National Flood Insurance Program and its consequences and then examine a new financialization scheme in disaster relief money.

Links and notes for Ep. 401 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

November 1921: Sheppard-Towner Act – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 400

Description: 100 years ago this week, on November 23, 1921, the first US government attempt at a modest social welfare program (focused on maternal and infant health) became law. Reactionary forces unraveled it by 1929, but it was influential regardless. Bill and Rachel discuss.

Links and notes for Ep. 400 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

[Unlocked] Mar 15, 2021 – Samuel Milton Golden Rule Jones – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 359

Unlocked from our Patreon: Bill and Rachel discuss turn-of-the-century Toledo mayor and progressive industrialist Samuel Milton “Golden Rule” Jones and reflect on the limitations of his popular but unusual brand of Christian socialism made possible by his oil money. (New episodes return soon!)

Links and Notes for Ep. 359 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

[Unlocked] June 15, 2021 – Alabama Coal Strikes of 1908 and 1920 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 383

Unlocked from our Patreon since the strikes are continuing: There are mine strikes in Alabama right now. Bill and Rachel look back at the racially-integrated Alabama coal strikes of 1908 and 1920.

Links and notes for Ep. 383 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

[Unlocked] Apr 27, 2021 – Forest Products – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 369

Unlocked from our Patreon: Bill and Rachel examine the evolution of the US timber industry during the Second Industrial Revolution away from raw material supply to mass-produced, manufactured forest products.

Links and notes for Ep. 369 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

[Unlocked] Feb 17, 2021 – The Natural Ice Trade – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 351

Unlocked Patreon episode: In the early 19th century, the New England region of the United States emerged as the global leader of a lucrative new industry that would change the world: Harvesting and transporting ice from ponds and rivers. Nate and Bill discuss.

Links and notes for Ep. 351 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

American Money, Part V: Epilogue – Personal Finance – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 399

The 5th part of our miniseries on money itself during the 2nd Industrial Revolution in the US. Bill and Rachel look at the ideology of consumer finance, the rise of home and auto loans, and how the seeds of the 21st century financialization were planted long ago.

Links and notes for Ep. 399 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.