Nov 8, 2020 – The Rise of Bicycles – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 332

Description: Bill and Rachel discuss pedal-assist e-bikes, the rise of bicycles during the Second Industrial Revolution, and the historic role of bikes in feminism and the military.

Links and notes for Ep. 332 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

Nov 1, 2020 – Gaspar Yanga – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 331

Description: In the late 1500s, a slave in Mexico led a guerrilla slave rebellion into the mountains of Veracruz that proved so durable that Spanish authorities had to recognize a peace treaty by the 1610s. Bill and Nate discuss.

Notes and links for Ep. 331 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

Oct 25, 2020 – The Memorial Day Massacre of 1937 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 330

Description: In 1937, Chicago Police, acting on behalf of the “Little Steel” industrialists who wanted to end the New Deal, fired unprovoked into a crowd of peaceful strikers and their families. Then came a PR spin fight. Bill and Rachel discuss.

Links and notes for Ep. 330 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

Oct 18, 2020 – The New York Conspiracy of 1741 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 329

Description: In 1741, New York City brutally suppressed an alleged conspiracy of Black slaves and White indentured servants to ensure no one would cooperate across racial lines. Bill and Kelley discuss.

Links and notes for Ep. 329 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

Oct 11, 2020 – Traffic Law Enforcement – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 328

Description: Bill and Rachel discuss the origins of US automotive traffic laws and current debates over the role of police in traffic safety.

Links and notes for Ep. 328 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

Oct 4, 2020 – Boston Revolt and Leisler’s Rebellion – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 327

Description: Bill and Nate discuss the Boston Revolt of 1689 and Leisler’s Rebellion of 1689-91 in New York and their significance to later American history.

Links and notes for Ep. 327 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.

Sept 27, 2020 – Teapot Dome – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 326

Description: Rachel and Bill discuss the 1920s Teapot Dome scandal and several Interior Department corruption scandals of the current Trump Administration. (Just after we recorded, stories broke about Trump steering wall construction contracts to a company and also about his tax returns.)

Links and notes for Ep. 326 (PDF):

Theme music by Stunt Bird.