
About Rachel

Your friendly neighborhood microbiologist in Boise, Idaho.

Aug 29, 2017 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 194


Topics: The abusive proliferation of arbitration clauses; socializing ambulance services People: Bill, Rachel and Nate. Produced: Aug 27th, 2017.

Episode 194 (54 min):
AFD 194

Please note that the show now airs/releases on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays.

Related links

EPI: The Arbitration Epidemic
Richard Cordray (CFPB) op-ed in NY Times
LA Times 2013 background article on ambulance services in the US
CBC background article on ambulance services in Canada


RSS Feed: Arsenal for Democracy Feedburner
iTunes Store Link: “Arsenal for Democracy by Bill Humphrey”

Music by friend of the show @StuntBirdArmy.

Aug 9, 2017 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 191


Topics: Abusive proliferation of non-compete clauses; a leftist future for intellectual property and pharmaceutical patents. People: Bill, Rachel, and Sarah. Produced: Aug 7th, 2017.

Episode 191 (55 min):
AFD 191

You can find a list of the articles we referenced here.


RSS Feed: Arsenal for Democracy Feedburner
iTunes Store Link: “Arsenal for Democracy by Bill Humphrey”

Music by friend of the show @StuntBirdArmy.

July 26, 2017 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 189


Topics: Total U.S. student debt forgiveness; Universal dental care. People: Bill, Rachel, Jonathan, and Paul. Produced: July 24th, 2017.

Episode 189 (54 min):
AFD 189

Listener correction:

– One of our Canadian listeners writes to say “Small correction, dental care isn’t covered in Canada. I require benefits through my job to pay for dental care. I believe there are some dental programs for senior at a certain age but not for the regular populace… that and Pharmacare aren’t covered here which is why we still need benefits packages through our jobs and what not.”

Research and links for this episode

Jonathan’s huge dossier on student debt forgiveness
Rachel’s links on dental care policy


RSS Feed: Arsenal for Democracy Feedburner
iTunes Store Link: “Arsenal for Democracy by Bill Humphrey”

Music by friend of the show @StuntBirdArmy.

July 12, 2017 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 188


Topics: News media consolidation in the US (including University of Delaware research); legal protections for retail workers on part-time on-call/zero-hour contracts. People: Bill, Rachel, and Nate Produced: July 10th, 2017.

Episode 188 (47 min):
AFD 188

Some links on US media consolidation

NY Magazine on the Sinclair deal
– Research by Danilo Yanich for UD/CWA on Local TV Service Agreements, Duopolies, Mega-Mergers: (download the full paper, which is very readable)

Some links on on-call scheduling reform

Oregon: Oregon Passes Pioneering Worker-Rights Bill
NY: A.G. Schneiderman and Eight Other State Attorneys General Probe Retailers Over Use of On-Call Shifts
– Forbes: Is On-Call Scheduling In Retail Coming To An End?
– CNBC On-call scheduling debate: Where retailers stand
– National Jobs With Justice: Why It’s Time for Just Hours and Stable Schedules
– San Francisco JWJ: Full-Time Hours Offer, Predictable Scheduling, Minimum On-Call Pay
– Dissent magazine: “The New Working Class”
Read more

June 21, 2017 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 185 (Public Eldercare)

Posted by Bill on behalf of the team.


Big Idea for Reforming American Governance: The mounting crisis in U.S. long-term eldercare and our proposal for a universal public eldercare provider system funded by estate/inheritance taxes on the wealthy. People: Bill, Rachel, and Nate Produced: June 21st, 2017.

Episode 185 (52 min):
AFD 185

Selected reading materials and notes (PDF).


RSS Feed: Arsenal for Democracy Feedburner
iTunes Store Link: “Arsenal for Democracy by Bill Humphrey”

Music by friend of the show @StuntBirdArmy.

June 14, 2017 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 184

Posted by Bill on behalf of the team.


Topics: The complexity of the U.S. housing crisis and its solutions (construction, land trusts, public housing corporations, Georgism and more). This is hard to cover when everyone uses the same heated rhetoric on all sides. People: Bill, Rachel, and Jonathan Produced: June 14th, 2017.

Episode 184 (55 min):
AFD 184


RSS Feed: Arsenal for Democracy Feedburner
iTunes Store Link: “Arsenal for Democracy by Bill Humphrey”

Music by friend of the show @StuntBirdArmy.

Selected reading materials

Georgism (Wikipedia)
YIMBY Darlings of the Real Estate Industry
– The Nation: Socialize American Housing
– Public housing authorities/affordable housing corporations in Austin TX
– Community Land Trusts: Building Livable Boston (PDF auto-download)
Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative
– Washington Monthly: The Decline of Black Business

May 24, 2017 – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 181

Posted by Bill on behalf of the team.


Topics: Proposed reforms to US voter registration, early voting and polling locations, election methods, weekend voting, and Congressional redistricting. People: Bill, Rachel and Jonathan Produced: May 22nd, 2017.

Episode 181 (53 min):
AFD 181

Legislation Referenced (115th Congress)
  1. H.R.607 – Voter Access Protection Act of 2017 (Rep. Ellison, Keith [D-MN-5])
  2. S.360/H.R.1044 – Same Day Registration Act (Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]/Rep. Ellison, Keith [D-MN-5])
  3. H.R.787 – Streamlined and Improved Methods at Polling Locations and Early (SIMPLE) Voting Act of 2017 (Rep. Cohen, Steve [D-TN-9])
  4. H.R.1907 – Election Infrastructure and Security Promotion Act of 2017 (Rep. Johnson, Henry C. “Hank,” Jr. [D-GA-4])
  5. H.R.946 – Universal Right to Vote by Mail Act of 2017 (Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53])
  6. H.R.1094 – Weekend Voting Act (Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-25])
  7. H.R.1102 – Redistricting Reform Act of 2017 (Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-19])
Legislation Referenced (114th Congress)

– H.R.2694 – Automatic Voter Registration Act (Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1])


RSS Feed: Arsenal for Democracy Feedburner
iTunes Store Link: “Arsenal for Democracy by Bill Humphrey”

Music by friend of the show @StuntBirdArmy.